UL Monitoring (Fire & Security)
We know the monitoring business! We can reduce your monitoring expense while providing the quickest response time in the industry.
The UL certification assures customers, their insurance companies and their local emergency service agencies, that our monitoring station will provide the highest quality and most reliable burglar and fire services.
Our UL central monitoring station notifies us daily when your system is not reporting properly. We then personally telephone you to determine the problem. Most large companies cannot provide this level of service Monitoring is when Central Dispatch receives a signal from your home or business, Central Dispatch will immediately call the location to verify whether you set your alarm off accidentally. Whoever answers the phone is required to give a secret passcode that is stored securely in our records. If we do not receive an answer, if an answering machine picks up, or the person answering the phone does not know the secret passcode, then we will immediately dispatch your nearest local authorities and/or contact your approved call list. If a panic button is triggered or if a smoke detector signal is received, we will immediately dispatch and then call your home. In any event, it is your nearest local authorities (Police, Fire, and Paramedic) that respond.


Our Hours
24/7 Emergency Service | 2 Hour Response Time
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm